> ...."Walking in the Shadow of the Big Man" w/ Watusi Rodeo EP included plus > one unreleased track. Info at: > http://www.rhinohandmade.com/browse/ProductLink.lasso?Number=7841 . Well, not that I'm not excited on general principle to score more otherwise-unavailable-on-CD tracks from Guadacanal, but, man, that's pretty shitty to wait until after Collectibles / Oldies.com put out THEIR reissue. Good for the band, royalties-wise, I suppose...but crappy for the fan who was dying to get a copy on CD, only to find out that a version with more material is now going to be released. Of course, the coup de grace would be if Handmade's next project was to do the same for "Jamboree," which is part of the 2-fer disc released by Collectibles / Oldies.com... Latah, WILL