I don't have anything useful or enlightening to add about suicide or depression or the music industry or heroin addiction or alcoholism or tortured artists or cliched martyrdom. But I would like to say something about Elliott Smith, as someone who was affected by his music. I've said some of this on other lists, so if you've read it before, please bear with me. I was an Elliott Smith-fan-come-lately. But I've had a long and difficult past few months, and part of what made it a little more bearable was listening to Elliott Smith's records. His music, sad though it was and bitter on occasion, buoyed and comforted me because it expressed truth and understanding about what it feels like to go through difficult times. The news of his death affected me on a surprisingly personal level, just as his music did. And when I thought about why, I realized it was because he had the ability to make me feel better when I was low, and there aren't a whole lot of people -- ones I've met, or otherwise -- who can do that for me. From what I can tell, a number of other people had the same response to his music, many of them fellow musicians. I bet he wasn't a shining example of a perfect human being, but neither am I. Are you? I never had to deal with him personally, so I can't comment on what he was or wasn't dealing with that might have driven him to his end, but I sure did appreciate his music. And now I won't get to hear any more of it, and that's sad, and it sucks, no matter what anyone thinks about any of that other crap. Andrea