Hi gang.. I'm trying not to fan the flames, but i just don't understand it.. I don't know what's sadder... The fact that somebody, who i appreciate to be a pretty spectacular talent, but probably not a wonderful human being, is driven by whatever forces that dwell within him to drive a knife into himself and end his life.. how bad must things have been for that to have been a good option for anybody, probably except him. I only know enough about this illness to know that people who have glimpses of logic and rationale often see death as the only escape, for themselves and their friends/loved ones who suffer with them... or.. the fact that many on the mailing list which i call friends and peers and look forward to reading has spent the last 2 days talking about what a self indulgent loser Elliott was and how he deserved to die. Sorry, but that's just disgusting to me. I appreciate that everyone has freedom of speech, but the way i was bought up, there are things like 'respect for the dead' and a whole bunch of lines that have been crossed here. I appreciate that people have thoughts about it, obviously quite clear thoughts, but the lack of sensitivity towards the HORRIBLE, desperate death of a fucking human being whose work many on this list admired greatly is just appalling. Let those of us who are mourning his loss mourn without your goading... MC