Every email list/schoolroom/workplace has at least one, inevitable, turd. Why, there's probably one here on THIS list... bob ----- Original Message ----- From: "josh chasin" To: Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2003 3:25 PM Subject: Juvenile Miscreants Remember in Jr. High, there was that kid in the back of the classroom who could make that fart noise by putting his hand under his armpit and making a flapping gesture with his arm? And he'd make that noise all class until the teacher put him out. But if the teacher didn't put him out, he'd just keep on going, and the more you glared at him or called him a loser or misfit or miscreant, the more he made the noise, because in some sick way, he was actually doing it to solicit your disapproval. Indeed, because of his esteem problems and messed-up wiring, Your disapproval was actually perceived by him as something akin to approval. So the bigger fuss you made about him, the more fart noise would ensue. But once you ignored him, invariably the fart noise stopped. or else you stopped noticing it, and either way, you won. My advice in life-- whenever you hear that fart noise, just mutter "fart noise"to yourself, and let is pass. This is always the best course. All this may or may not have any relevance to Audities.