With all due respect to Ms. Colter and the others who so gracefully illustrated the peculiar lifestyle difficulties of the clinically depressed, I must express my personal opinion that Elliot Smith was a strung-out doper with more than enough resources to attain -- and acheive -- sobriety; that he chose to dwell in his own personal hell is an obvious result of his deep-seated personal shortcomings. Trust me, I've known him on a first-name basis since 1997, having run into him time and time again in Los Angeles and Portland. Egotistical and precious, that was Elloit. The guy was a loser and deserves his rightful place in Hell's Discography. As for his music, I found it to be predictible, trite, and less than engaging; the word "indulgent" comes to mind. That he received ANY breaks at all (and, believe me, he received PLENTY) is a miracle. As for Segarini's "Cats and Dogs", I visited the site and heard some of the tunes; what is this, some kind of a joke? Lordy lordy, now Rerun has died. Funny how that happens sometimes. LG NP: Plastron - The Inevitable Turd __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? The New Yahoo! Shopping - with improved product search http://shopping.yahoo.com