> 1. What a fucking literalist > 2. What a fucking drama queen > > You cannot tell me there was not an enormous level of > self-mythologizing in > this act, and for that, I can only say "Fuck you, 'Elliott' Smith." I seriously doubt the guy had any thoughts of music, fan-base, self-myth or anything of the sort when he did this. Depression with years of self-medication does a pretty good job of wiping out any cognizant sense of self and surroundings. He was known as a very self-less person who did everything possible to escape the trappings of fame and help others. His suicide is a case of negative sense-of-self and it is doubtful that it had anything to do with career or anything else external to that dynamic. I can understand the anger if a person were close to the man or felt a bond... being angry that he ripped himself out of your life. But there is a lot of "the fuck deserved it" talk going around all over from people who obviously could care less about the man or his music that I find pretty petty and shallow in thought. If you are irritated by the abundance of remorse being expressed about the guy's death, just ignore it. Don't blame the guy for having dedicated fans. Ryan