Hello to everyone, Just a short (I hope for your sake) note on IPO Liverpool. It was great. Met The Mop Tops from Sweden on the train from Manchester to Liverpool. They are an excellent band. Sounding a bit like Walter Clevenger. Also was there for the talk that Billy Kinsley gave. Very nice man. Lots of history. I also got to see Harmony Grass rehearsing. WOW what harmonies. Also enjoyed The Jessica Fletchers, Rock Four, The Gripweeds, Dorian Gray. Actually all the bands were very good. Also enjoyed hanging around with Mark Hershberger (I hope I spelled it right?). Met Steve Schwartz and his wife on the bus ride back to Manchester. I would like to publicly thank David Bash and the Jeremy band for helping make a dream come true for me. Although I was a foreigner I felt very much at home in Liverpool. You guys are the best. I have to mention that I also enjoyed Dave Dietrich's version of "Blue Suede Shoes" that he sang to the ladys at the Currency Exchange. Rock on Dave! Love ya man. Ringle Todd __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? The New Yahoo! Shopping - with improved product search http://shopping.yahoo.com