There is a definite difference between the new solo album and TNP's "Welcome Black". More so than say, "Welcome Black" and "The Naked Dutch Painter". Stew describes "Something Deeper..." as a 2 am record. The type of album you can put on while someone is sleeping in the next room. It's very mellow. The songs are basically Stew and Heidi on all instruments, with a few contributions from Probyn Gregory here and there (on banjo and guitar, but no horns this time around). "Welcome Black" is more of a party album. Lots of horns, lots of musicians. They're both great. And if you don't have them, I'd reccommend both of Stew's "Sweetboot" discs that are available through his site. I actually prefer both of these to many of his commercial releases. There are songs on these discs that do not appear on any of the other CDs, as well as alternate versions of some of his best known songs. Songs you can't get anywhere else include things like "I Just Cast A Spell", "Begin Being Finished With Me", "Movie Of The Weak at Heart", "Boomy Guitar Song", "My Damn Butterfly", "Miss Satan", "It's Christmastime Again" (unless you have the seasons greetings 2 song promo). And the first one features one of my all time favorite Stew songs, the original version of "Bermuda Love Triangle" that later appears on Welcome Black. This one is much more mellow, and people I know have compared it to sounding like Jimmy Buffet. EnJoy! arthur In a message dated 10/27/2003 8:14:10 AM Pacific Standard Time, writes: Thanks (yet again) Michael! Thanks for the tip; I think I'll "start" with his recent solo disc. I agree Stew's a brilliant writer with such a rich voice.