--- Michael Bennett wrote: > So my question, for those who were really around then -- what was up with > that? Did you think the critics were nuts? Did it affect your buying > habits, and you had to come back later and get this good stuff? I was around back then, man I feel old....... I read RS, Creem, Drawdaddy, Rock Scene, Hit Parader and any other obscure magazine I could get my hands on. but I never much paid attention to critics, and I still don't today. I listened to what I liked, using the radio, magazines and friends records as my guide. I have never had a problem listening to a "critics favorite" like the clash after listening to my favorite Michael McDonald CD. Or putting on the VU, Pere Ubu or Wire after I listened to my Babys albums. Today my CD collection is no different. I am trying not to "name drop", but I love Dumptruck and the Sex Pistols just as much as I love my first America albums. It has to sound good to my ears, not to anyone else's. 70's, 80's, 90's or beyond. michael vg np - 10cc live bootleg. __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Exclusive Video Premiere - Britney Spears http://launch.yahoo.com/promos/britneyspears/