AT Date: Fri, 24 Oct 2003 08:06:48 Michael Carpenter wrote: >the fact that many on the mailing list which i call friends and peers and >look forward to reading has spent the last 2 days talking about what a self >indulgent loser Elliott was and how he deserved to die. Sorry, but that's >just disgusting to me. I appreciate that everyone has freedom of speech, >but >the way i was bought up, there are things like 'respect for the dead' and a >whole bunch of lines that have been crossed here. I appreciate that people >have thoughts about it, obviously quite clear thoughts, but the lack of >sensitivity towards the HORRIBLE, desperate death of a fucking human being >whose work many on this list admired greatly is just appalling. Let those >of >us who are mourning his loss mourn without your goading... Just to clarify, Michael. I don't believe anyone, not even the abrassive Lord Granger, said Elliott Smith deserved to die. What myself and Segarini and Stewart Mason did say was that this guy was the mechanic of his own undoing...and that draws little sympathy from us. My previous post to this outlines in more specific detail (though not any less incensitive) the reasons why suicide is abhorent to me. I'll shut up about this now. Jaimie Vernon, President, Bullseye Records of Canada, Inc. "Not Suing Our Customers Since 1985!" _________________________________________________________________ Protect your PC - get VirusScan Online