I just got the new Electric Soft Parade (a very short disc by the way, just nine songs clocking in at 36.12). As I do with all new music I get, I wanted to make some mp3's for my portable mp3 player, but this disc is the very first one that is giving me problems. I can easily make mp3's with either MusicMatch or iTunes, but when I start playing the mp3's the songs are filled with little hiccups, very tiny disturbing noises and sudden soundscratches. When playing the CD itself all these noises and hiccups are gone. This is the very first time, I have had something like this. And it sucks. I am not trying to make a second copy that I will sell or whatever, I simply want to make a copy in mp3 format for my portable player. So, anyone out there wanting to buy the new ESP, be beware of this problem. Patrick Beckers