----- Original Message ----- From: > it's actually not too bad......... I think it's an excellent album. The Kinks and Bolan references seem deliberate and reasonably witty. It's more of a knowing wink than a shady theft. The only peculiar thing about the album, for me, is the absence of "I am rock", the absolutely superb single from a year or two ago. Sounding like a mixture of "Modern life is rubbish" era Blur and T-Rex, it leapt out of my radio and onto my most frequently accessed CD shelf. It's still a fantastic song, which has been quietly brushed under the carpet in favour of slightly less interesting songs. Still, some of the tracks on SK1 are exceptionally good. "Drugs" in particular. Some might wince at the borrowing of Stevie Wonder's Clavinet, but I think it's a marvellous way to spend 4 minutes of one's life.