We don't have Best Buy here in Central Nebraska -- I saw the new Travis advertised in the flyer for our local Hastings store. and it was $9.99, not $7.99, but then again, since they drove the local record and book stores out of business, the level of their discounts has been pretty weak. I went in around 3 in the afternoon and couldn't find it. The clerk, once I found her, looked it up in the computer and announced that they had already sold the two (2) copies that they got in. This CD was in their flyer and they ordered 2 copies!! More amazingly, they'd sold their entire order of an advertised special within hours of opening AND HADN'T SUBMITTED A RE-ORDER. My request for a copy had to be submitted as a "special order" to make sure that it would get ordered again. And according to the RIAA, it's downloading that's killing the industry? Howabout clueless retailers like this who drive the knowledgeable retailers out of business? How many copies of Travis could this store sell? I don't know, but more tellingly, they will never find out, because they aren't even trying to determine the extent of that market. (But I notice that they gladly took Sony's co-op advertising money to help pay for the flyer to sell their Halloween crap that will be discounted by 75% in a month)