Howdee! I had to go right back to work last Monday doing various things like creating a huge catalog and producing some of NC's finest hip hop. So I really used a lot of this weekend to catch up on things and get something of a handle on all the post Sparklefest business. I gotta say this year's fest was the best yet. As Cathy said, Boss Martians kicked ass! Did they better the Shazam or the Mockers or Walter Clevenger or Terry Anderson? Um, who knows, but they were the biggest surprise. Their new CD has the most pick scrapes allowable by law in most Western countries. Tim Lee, Mic Harrison, Don Coffey, Jr., & Susan Lee make up In-Line Six and they mopped up on Friday. The Van Deleckis were as tight as a bug's arse and Velvet, The Breaks, The Anderson Council all turned in fab sets. In fact, nobody sucked at all. I honestly can't say that about last year or the year before. Oh, dang, did I mention Barely Pink?!!? Hot diggity! Ed James opened the festival with the Overture from 2112. It did not suck. I am in the process of editing & tweaking the audio recorded by Larry Tucker and assembling photos for the largest gallery yet. Also, inventories reveal I still have some T-Shirts & Tote bags left. I've gotten a lot of requests for the free sampler CD but I weird selling them but I'll give you one if you buy the programme. You can get all this stuff on the website and you can feel safe by ordering thru Paypal secure shopping cart system. Easy, breezy, beautiful. Proceed to and click the MERCH button on the left. Oh, and I was gonna take notes on all the bands and give clear & concise reviews of each performance, but dang... too much vodka backstage. Many folks saw the rare site of me right stinkin' drunk. I got over it though. Of course, I weren't nowhere near as sh*tfaced as Terry Anderson about an hour after his BLINDING set. Jagermeister is not for the timid! Also if you were there and shot video or took pictures... let's talk. Peace, out... Myke