It's still all a little hazy but I think my mind is starting to function again after being blow to bits this weekend. Congrats to Mike Nicholson for taking Sparklefest to the next level. It was the epicenter of the rock! It was great to see old friends and make new old friends. It truly is the people that make it extra special. While some appealed to me more than others, every band delivered a top notch performance. The venue was great and the sound near perfect. The energy level rose steadily each night and every band had to be on the top of their game to keep up. By Friday night, groupie girl Beth Lennon observed that we may have found the epicenter of the rock. As the night went on, you could walk around the room and feel strange vibrations from different spots in the venue. Saturday the whole room was that way and by the end of the night it was obvious, it was the epicenter of the rock. Personal highlights that I can remember right now include: Cliff Hillis - Gets better every time I see him. Extra bonus points for having Doug Edmunds sitting in on drums and vocals. Cliff finished his set with a cover of "Beautiful" that proved once and for all that any song is much better when played with guitars. The Van Deleckis - Jamie Hoover is God. Great playing, killer songs and probably the best harmonies of the fest. Did I mention Jamie Hoover? In-Line Six - A broken down van, an almost cancellation and the closing slot Friday night. Those who witnessed the performance now know what southern rock is supposed to be. Long live Tim Lee. All of Saturday night - Robbie Rist kicked it off with a rousing solo electric set that made it plain and clear this was a rock show. Bobby Sutliff was fantastic and might possibly have the most righteous tone of any guitar player on the planet even if he refuses to agree with me. Boss Martians were the real deal and I get to see them again with The Shazam Tuesday and Wednesday night. Eat your heart out. The Fiendish Minstrels rocked and brought back something sorely missing from rock music of recent years, capes. Terry Anderson and The Olympic Ass-Kickin' Team whipped up a big batch of southern fried rock that would have made your momma proud. Now that's a power trio. Walter "you're so fucked" Clevenger & The Dairy Kings had the unenviable job of following the OAK Team and were up to the task with their own heaping helping of southern California fried rock. Walter was like a man possessed as if there were something different about him. The ass kicking contest was declared a draw after Terry joined them on stage for a cover of one of his songs. They closed with a very Walterized version of Sick Of Myself. The Shazam were even better than ever if that's possible. Mick Wilson must have gone to rock school as he now jumps around the stage as much as Hans and Jeremy. The Mockers were the best I've ever seen them. Finished their set with Robbie Rist on vocals for Highway Star which brought every musician in the house right up front for some serious rocking out. It was very special seeing them up there acting like teenagers at their first rock show. Robbie proved once again that absolutely no one has anything up on him when it comes to rock and roll. It was a hard act to follow but Barely Pink closed the night in rousing fashion with several tunes from their excellent new record and a BP fave Dot To Dot Elvis. As they started Mean Mister Mustard for the Abbey Road Medley grand finale the room almost exploded with most of the other musicians in attendance running out on stage to form a choral ensemble. Huge shit-eating grins and misty eyes were in abundance. and in the end, the love that was taken was equal to the love that was made Ed