At 10:30 PM 10/9/2003 -0700, Drew MacDonald wrote: >I'm sorry to see the current version of eMusic go. Lord knows I've been >making full use of my membership privileges over the last year or so. What a >treasure trove. I haven't decided whether or not I'll continue, but I'll >keep downloading like a maniac until the November 8 cutoff date. Anybody else had no luck at all downloading with a dial-up connection today? The level of venom I've seen expressed over this not-at-all-unexpected development in various places today would be hilarious if it weren't so depressing. Honestly, people: $15 a month for 65 songs, or four to five albums (more, if a lot of what you're downloading is those Atavistic free-improv things that have two 20-minute songs, like me)? Bargain, people, bargain. That's less than one-fourth the per-song charge from iTunes, and eMusic has a better selection of labels. Yes, it sucks that we can't be pigs at the trough anymore, but looking at the pouty things I've been seeing (not here on Audities, mind) today, I'm reminded that far too many people in the world today need to make a note in their day planners to Grow The Fuck Up Already. S NP: ACTION PANTS! -- Bunnygrunt