...are invited to my birthday shindig!. it'd be fun to meet local auditeers that i don't already know and although i make fun of the one deejay below, the other one plays nothing but good stuff, I swear... (added bonus: he's local promoter cat, for those who need a gig - FYI) details below. thanks! julie ---------------------- Hey kids! Tomorrow, October 7th, I'll be turning 26 for the 25th time. Whooo! Please come to my birthday shindig over at the old Sweet Alice (now pretentiously called TEN56) anytime after 8. I think there's even free PBR from 8 - 9. Or is it 9 - 10? Lots of great music too, hosted by DJ's Tankboy and Woolworthy's Rudy G. They call it: Old school rock and/or roll attitude mixed with only the finest selections from yesterday, today and tomorrow. Whatever. Rudy is gonna end up buying everyone drinks and playing nothing but Thin Lizzy and The 'Mats anyway. I'll make sure to bring the Bad Company, for variety. Actually, maybe *you* should be in charge of that. I'll end up losing it in a drunken brawl or something. Talk about FUN! Hope you can make it. can't get enough of your love, jul ---------------------------------- Daisy knows rock. Really. Even if it's broken. (they swear they're fixing it.) http://daisyglaze.blogspot.com