Yup, the skinny is the Kendall's for sale. The future of live music depends upon the willingness of the new owner (I don't think there is one yet) to carry on. Really sad. It's played host to some amazing artists over the years while still managing to feel like a little hometown joint. On the other hand, I won't miss the thick fog of smoke (illegal now!) or the obnoxiously talkative crowd -- last Friday the Animators actually singled out a table of five and asked them to shut up or go to the bar to talk, only to have the offending table not only ignore their request but talk loud enough to be heard over the music. Unbelievable. I wonder what they'll do with all the framed posters signed by the artists... Details here: http://www.boston.com/ae/celebrity/articles/2003/08/29/he_says_goodbye_to_the_kendall_cafe/ A On Sun, 5 Oct 2003 Beth2459@aol.com wrote: > Can anyone shed some light onto this? I have seen some great shows at the > Kendall David Mead, Owsley, Jason Falkner---would hate to see this place go~ > > >From their website: > > The Kendall Cafe will be presenting FREE shows for the entire month of > October. The reason for dis-solving the cover charge is to encourage people to come > out and celebrate live music before major changes are made at The Kendall." > These changes may necessitate the live music series to come to an end. Don't > miss out on your last chance to see a show at The Kendall. > > > beth > http://www.groupiegear.com > even School of Rock knows groupies are cool!!! >