It is disappointing to learn that the new Strokes release sucks. I actually liked the 1st release and found it refreshing to hear something worthwhile on the radio the few times I found myself stuck listening to one. For those who need another Strokes fix and find themselves hating the new one,seek out the reissues on ,I believe,Cherry Red by the 80s UK should-have-been-bigger-than-they-were Blue Orchids. The first time I heard the Strokes I thought "yeah..I can see the Television comparisons but these guys REALLY owe a debt to the Blue Orchids" For those unfamiliar,the Blue Orchids were from Manchester (before it became the Madchester of the Happy Mondays). The band was formed by a couple of ex-Fall members(Martin Bramah is the one I can remember) in the late 70s and existed on and off to about 1996. Their music somewhat emulates the Fall in that the lyrics tend to be spoken against guitar and keyboards rather than sung. There was a comp out in the mid 90s (probably to cash in on the aforementioned "Madchester" scene) called something like A View Above the City but in the last few years Cherry Red released a best of and the very cool LTM (les Temps du Moderne) has been reissuing full cds from their catalog. Not Lame may be able to order them or tyr or best, r np....Barely Pink-Last Day of Summer I am really enjoying this disc and just as one hates to see the last day of Summer end -I keep hitting replay. All you lucky Sparklefest goers have (among others) a set by Brian and company to look forward to. I especially enjoy the false start to Grand Funk's We're an American Band at the beginning of Girl in the Crowd and Simple Enough is a brilliant slice of punchy skinny-tie pop.