Thanks for all of the insight and comments regarding the Kendall and other Boston music venues both old and new. This combined with the email group from folks I was in college radio with makes me very nostalgic for Beantown, albeit 15-20 years ago. Wish I could be there to be part of the Boston Auditeers meeting!! In other news, Groupiegear is taking it on the road again - we'll be hitching a ride in the big white rock van with Cliff Hillis and Forward Thinker Greg (and his more than lovely wife Julie. That is WIFE you guys! hands off she'd his) Cliff will be playing with Doug from the Gladhands behind the drum kit on Friday nights lineup- GAH, just took a look at the shows and MAN are we missing a lot of cool pop on Thurs and Sat-- someone please! rock extra hard for us those nights...! come up and say hi to the gal in the groupietee- I will have FREE auditeer buttons with me too! beth sparklefest groupie all the way, baby!