Hell yeah I remember the Channel and the Rat. I think quite a few of us do (Beth, Jodi, I'm lookin' at you!) Buddy Guy once sweated on me at the Channel, actually. I remember Nightstage very well, too. Jacks and Storyville must be before my time, though. Boston auditeers, maybe we should organize for tomorrow night at TT's? Email me offlist if you're interested. On Mon, 6 Oct 2003 TwangBoy@aol.com wrote: > and who out there remembers such seminal joints like the Channel, the very lamented Rat, Jacks and Storyville?!!! > > i remember playing is some band or another and being able to look out the side window on the street on Mass Ave in front of Jacks.......weird!!! > > Don't forget, The Shazam at TT's on Tuesday night!!! > > jim >