Many moons ago, some folks on the audities list raved about Paula Kelley's "Nothing/Everything" disc, so with that in mind, and after listening to an mp3 on her website, I ordered a copy (couldn't find one locally) and it became an instant favorite. I was one of a handful of those who heard her (with the PK Orchestra) playing in Portland at an in-store performance at Music Millennium. She played about seven songs from her new album "The Trouble With Success or How You Fit into the World" along with one song ("You Gonna Make It") from Nothing/Everything. Paula played both acoustic and electric guitar and switched to keyboard for the last song, "I'd Fall In Love With Anyone". I've listened to the new disc a few times today and I like it a lot - it's at least as good as "N/E" and maybe better. Great songs, well-crafted arrangements, and all the other stuff I like in pop music - hooks, harmonies, and jangly guitar. I hope Paula and the band come back out to Portland sometime and play in one of the local clubs in front of a full audience. Do yourself a favor and get a copy of her new CD! Dan M. __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? The New Yahoo! Shopping - with improved product search