At 12:42 AM 9/26/2003 -0400, David Pearlman wrote: >OK, how about a new thread: > >Albums that kinda sorta got released, but in such small quantities >and with so little (or no) promotion that most people don't even >realize they got released. I'm talking about major label attempts, >because obviously some no-name band on some miniscule label will generally >also be invisible to the mainstream... I just heard about one of these recently that happened only a few months ago...I want to say her name was Amy Allen or something like that. She had one of her songs placed prominently in a failed TV show last season. It may have even been the theme song. Anyway, the show flopped and was cancelled almost immediately, the single was released to radio and did nothing at all and her album, which was already pressed and ready to go and had promos serviced to media and everything, was simply dropped in toto. A quick Google reveals that the singer's name is Aimee Allen, and the show was Birds of Prey, which I remember seeing hundreds of promos for during Gilmore Girls, so I probably heard the song at least once but I have no memory of it. S