At 09:00 AM 9/25/2003 -0400, wrote: >On a related note (b-flat), My spousal type unit has been laid off a few >months ago which basically translates to me not being able to buy CD's with >reckless abandon. I had a stash of over 100 CDs not opened yet. This >has now dwindled to less than 10 as of today. I am not quite sure what is >going to happen when I reach ground zero. Is there a 12 step program for >CD purchasing? No, but there's eMusic. Only the most destitute would balk at $9.99 a month for all the albums you could want, and the selection is just outstanding. Screw iTunes, eMusic is the real deal. You should also get a Netflix subscription: $20 a month for unlimited DVD rentals, and the set-up couldn't be sweeter. You list the discs you want and they send you the first three. Then when you're done watching one, you drop it in the postage-paid envelope and they send you the next one on the list. No reason to go to the video store at all anymore, and I don't even remember the last DVD I bought. Given that my wife and I are on a mission to reduce our credit card debt as much as we possibly can, eMusic and Netflix are a huge help on cutting down our entertainment expenses without having to give up things like nice meals out or a quick weekend trip to New York. S NP: VIKING BANK -- Pierre Barouh (from eMusic, coincidentally)