I was just looking at Pitchfork's Castoffs and Cutouts: The Top 50 Most Common Used CDs -- http://pitchforkmedia.com/features/castoffs-and-cutouts/ Look what showed up at #1...and what they have to say about it, ha ha...below is the Top Ten: 1. REM - Monster 2. New Order - Republic 3. Sugar: Beaster EP / File Under Easy Listening 4. Lemonheads: Come on Feel the Lemonheads 5. Breeders - Last Splash 6. Various Artists - Born To Choose/No Alternative (tie) 7. La's - La's 8. Radiohead - Pablo Honey 9. Belly- Star 10. Ned's Atomic Dustbin - God Fodder R.E.M.: Monster Making fun of R.E.M. is about as boring, predictable and tired as this album, among the most calamitous career-enders in pop history. Think about it: what have these guys done since Automatic for the People? The very words "Bang and Blame" send most people over 25 into fits, but did you know that's one of the best songs on this barren, monotonous disaster? Try making it through "I Took Your Name", where Stipe redefines creative exhaustion, raping Cobain's room temperature corpse: "I'll be your albatross/ Devil dog, Jesus Lord/ I don't wanna be Iggy Pop/ But if that's what it takes..." Makeup Mike's revolting eagerness to become a father figure to that fuckup is an abuse of abandonment issues paramount to pedophilia. Someone Photoshop Stipe and Courtney dining on Kurt's guts and send it to me; I want to remember 1994 in the simplest terms. Unbelievably, Peter Buck manages to be even more irritating than Stipe with his incessant, ridiculous vibrato pedal. Imagine being in a teenage band whose spoiled-rich guitarist owns all the equipment: he's always turned up too loud, and when you record your little TASCAM tunes, he mixes himself at noon on ten. So fucking annoying. Widely promoted as R.E.M.'s "return to rock" after the tender MOR hits "Everybody Hurts", "Sweetness Follows" and "Nightswimming", Monster is-- save the tolerable "You"-- one of the worst, most grievously ego-addled albums ever released by a band worth mentioning in the first place. Appropriately, millions of newly converted, automatic people ran screaming, selling this puke-orange coaster back at breakneck speed. You'll find a dozen copies in the cabinets under the "R" section, and a hundred more back in the warehouse.