Follow me here, gang, if you will, I need help finding a song and getting my mind straight on some soundtrack/funk trivia: Back in 1976 I owned and loved the "Wild Cherry" debut on 8-track. Their cover of Martha and the Vandella's (Dozier/Holland/Holland) tune "Nowhere To Run" was one of my favorite tracks from the album. Three years later I went to the movies and saw "The Warriors". Near the end of the film, I coulda swore that Wild Cherry track played in all it's glory during a crucial scene. In fact, I think I've been swearing it constantly since 1979 . No wonder people look at me funny (no Jeff, that's not why people look at you "funny"). AMG says the track was performed by Arnold McCuller. Thinking AMG must be correct, I snagged the McCuller tune via Kazaa (listed as, btw, "Nowhere to Run - War.mp3). Am I flipping out - because that is NOT the song I remember from the film, which I've easily seen at least a half dozen times. So, I'm either misrembering the film, the soundtrack to the film, or the Wild Cherry track (doubtful, played the heck out of that thing when I was 17). Did the Wild Cherry song appear on a different soundtrack? Somebody stop (and help) me before I drunkenly swear I'm right at yet another bar and lose yet another substantial bet. How did I mix this up? Swimming in the 70's with no lifeguard on duty, Jeff T. Delaware