Hey CC, I too have had a chance now to listen to the Live NYC album, I think it is AWESOME. I loved the vinyl "It's Alive" and was astounded at how similar the new one sounded, even though it was a different venue and different producers. The CD issue of "It's Alive" somehow disappointed me though, cos the volume seems to drop midway through the album, like maybe the master tapes were not kept in prime condition. But the new one is RAW and LOUD all the way through. Also I remember reading that "It's Alive" had bits that were overdubbed. When Charles Shaar Murray (NME writer) asked DeeDee if he had to take a lot of speed to get the same energy level on the overdubs as on the live recording, he replied "No, I just dwunk wots and wots of stwong bwack caw-fee" ;-) Anyway, the new one is more ragged but all the better for it, I think. No overdubs - YAY! Johnny's guitar goes out of tune slightly - YAY! DeeDee fumbles on the bass (you can imagine him doing the splayed legged leaps at the time) - YAY! No "Judy is a Punk" - BOO! I rank it right up there with the best of them. At least back in their heyday, they played the songs at a decent speed, I always thought the later live stuff was played WAY too fast. For more information on Standard Life, visit our website http://www.standardlife.com/ The Standard Life Assurance Company, Standard Life House, 30 Lothian Road, Edinburgh EH1 2DH, is registered in Scotland (No. SZ4) and regulated by the Financial Services Authority. Tel: 0131 225 2552 - calls may be recorded or monitored. This confidential e-mail is for the addressee only. If received in error, do not retain/copy/disclose it without our consent and please return it to us. We virus scan and monitor all e-mails but are not responsible for any damage caused by a virus or alteration by a third party after it is sent.