Mike, the SS list comparing the Young Fresh Fellows to the Silver Sun is lost on me too. VERY different bands to my ears in terms of sound. Stewart said... If your tastes run towards sloppy three-chord guitar rock with occasional country influences and lyrics and vocals set more or less permanently on "sarcastic smart-ass," then the Young Fresh Fellows are your band. That sums it up. I saw them live many years ago and have longed to see them again, but I have not had the chance. Live they were exactly how one would hope and more. They were having fun, and just rocking with kind of a garage spirited recklessness. That said, the drummer is one of my all time favorite drummers that I've ever seen live. Per he was so dam goofy. I assume this is standard for him but... He had one of his symbols set straight up in the air, ridiculously high over his head, so he'd have to really stretch to even reach it. It was funny enough to watch all this herky jerky activity but all the while he had this pasted on faux confident/cocky smile. He was hard not to watch. Also, They Might be Giant's pay homage to them in a song with the line "she took my favorite Young Fresh Fellow records"....a line I always liked. Steve NP: Kinks