At 10:11 PM 9/8/2003 -0400, Mike and Roxy wrote: >9. Young Fresh Fellows I think I've heard maybe two or three Silver Sun songs ever, on swap discs and the like, so I don't see the connection, but I'm a strong believer in the idea that everyone should own at least one Young Fresh Fellows album. (If you're just going to own one, the CD comprising their third album, THE MEN WHO LOVED MUSIC, and a quickie follow-up EP, REFRESHMENTS, is my pick.) If your tastes run towards sloppy three-chord guitar rock with occasional country influences and lyrics and vocals set more or less permanently on "sarcastic smart-ass," then the Young Fresh Fellows are your band. Plus, they wrote what I still consider the finest song title of all time: "I Got My Mojo Workin' And I Thought You'd Like To Know." S