> Yes, Arthur, the world is FULL of songwriters just > waiting -- with fangs bared and claws out -- to rip > off your disjointed, fragmented, inconsequential song > ideas. Think of all the money, fame and cocaine other > artists will receive by stealing one of YOUR SONGS. It > happens all the time: in fact, I'm thinking of > stealing a Cliff Hillis song myself, just because > there's so much money to be made. ;) > > Come on, Arthur, what've you written, "Tommy"? "Split > Milk?" "Varying Degrees of Failure and Tunelessness"? > > I didn't think so. Winking emoticon aside, is this really necessary??? While the original post might have been a bit paranoid, does that make it okay to be so rude and demeaning?? There seems to be healthy dose of Holier Than Thou here. Pretty pathetic and kind of a bummer. Get over yourselves. ;) Ryan PS - notice the winking emoticon... which I claim as the audites equivalent to "I'm rubber, you're glue!!" Nah nah nah-nah-nah.