It's finally cooling down in our non-air conditioned pad, so we are due for another Living Room show. This time around, the guest performer is a fine gent named Andy Creighton. See his info and hear soundclips (and buy his cd...come on, why not!?) here: I would describe Andy's music as Beatles influenced, yes, but also quirky, with insightful lyrics about an old family pet named Flash, or having to recite the alphabet in grade school. He reminds me a tiny bit of Victor Banana, if that rings any bells for anyone. Not QUITE that quirky, but vocally similar. EEEENNNNYYYYYWAY The show will be Sunday, October 5, music should start around 6PM (Andy lives just a few blocks from me, so he should be on time) This allows you to attend another evening performance, or perhaps to retire to your chambers a bit early. As usual, donations gratefully accepted, with all proceeds going to the artist. Food provided, beer/wine/soda would make welcome hostess gift. Please email me OFF LIST if you are interested in attending. Unfortunately, this show is not recommended for children under 12. anna ===== Anna Borg AIM: cakeab TallBoy Records P.O. Box 27757 Los Angeles, CA 90027-0757