When I saw the Art Collection (later Powder) at my high School in '68 they played (Tell Me) Have You Ever Seen Me, and claimed it as their own!!! Unfortunately there were several of us Small Faces fans in the audience who disputed that claim.. RS Lord Granger wrote: > Arthur Bang wrote: > > > I have a friend who wants to use > > one of my songs in a video he's > > doing and I hate for too many people > > to hear these, because someone might > > take it and record it for themselves > > and then I wouldn't get credit. > > Yes, Arthur, the world is FULL of songwriters just > waiting -- with fangs bared and claws out -- to rip > off your disjointed, fragmented, inconsequential song > ideas. Think of all the money, fame and cocaine other > artists will receive by stealing one of YOUR SONGS. It > happens all the time: in fact, I'm thinking of > stealing a Cliff Hillis song myself, just because > there's so much money to be made. ;) > > Come on, Arthur, what've you written, "Tommy"? "Split > Milk?" "Varying Degrees of Failure and Tunelessness"? > > I didn't think so. > > It's highly doubtful anyone will even ACKNOWLEDGE your > music, let alone 'take credit' for it. Don't be such a > pustule; put your music out there and let it stand on > its own -- or let it fall flat on its face. If you're > such an amazing writer, why worry about being ripped > off? You can always write another great song. > > Oh, try this: > > http://copyclear.com/copyright.shtml > > Reminds me of a story: I met a songwriter at a recent > local open-mic night up here on the Central Coast; I > struck up a conversation with the gal who said she'd > written some amazing songs. I asked where I could hear > her music, and she said, "Oh, no, I won't play my > music for ANYONE; someone will steal my ideas and take > credit for them." > > ROFLMAO. > > Songwriters: get a life ya'll. The industry -- and the > world, for that matter -- has rendered you obsolete. > Go learn code or something equally banal. > > The Lord has spoken. > > -LG- > > NP: The Golden Archies -- McRock > > __________________________________ > Do you Yahoo!? > Yahoo! SiteBuilder - Free, easy-to-use web site design software > http://sitebuilder.yahoo.com > ======================================================================= > Detailed Audities-List information: > To manage your Audities List settings or unsubscribe: > -- Ronald Sanchez Director Of A&R Career Records www.CareerRecords.com The Donovan's Brain Web Site www.Donovans-Brain.com