Stewart, this has somehow went from American Hi-Fi VS Fountains of Wayne into Rick VS Stewart. Whatever. I love how you paraphrase and make up quotations for me. Would you like to be my press agent? I never said I was mad. I certainly didn't state that Fountains of Wayne didn't "rock me hard enough" - as I said before, it was a musically great show, but without any chemistry. They did not connect with me, and that is how they are. I am not saying they should act a certain way. I find it impossible to understand how me seeing a band that I paid for that didn't really seem enthused to play for the audience that sang along with all their songs is MY (audience's) fault. I am only saying that I am not going to see them again. I still love the band, I love the CD, but I don't like their live show. They acted the way they do, and that's fine for some people, but I don't think that they are helping their career by their live show demeanour. > Trust me, I have a fully functional sense of humor. For example, I think > the way that you keep circling back to "These guys didn't act how I wanted > them to and that makes me mad!" is frickin' hilarious. And, y'know, I > don't think I know any "rock stars," whatever that means, but I've worked > (in several capacities) with many actual working musicians, as have many > other people on this list, several of whom are actual working musicians > themselves. (Note the word "working"'s a job like anything > else, with its own pros and cons.) Working in music IS fun, and it's why > those of us who work in the music industry on any level do so, even though > the pay is minimal at best. But -- and here's the thing -- different > people have different concepts of "fun." Your position from the beginning > of this thread has basically boiled down to "These guys really harshed my > mellow, man," and no matter what anyone else has said, from the viewpoints > of fans OR performers, you "facetiously" continue to maintain that > Fountains of Wayne simply did not rock you hard enough. That's fine. > Don't go see them anymore, then. But they did the show that they do, the > way that they do it. That doesn't include "witty repartee," as you put it > in your first message, nor much in the way of audience interaction. (Given > that Fountains of Wayne have always had a reputation for being only > slightly warmer to their audience than Steely Dan, it seems like a big fan > like yourself might have known that chances were slight that Chris was > gonna lead the crowd in a great big campfire singalong version of "Leave > the Biker" in the first place.) Once again, since this seems not to be > getting through: Fountains of Wayne did the show Fountains of Wayne wanted > to do. It, apparently, was not the show Rick Bilous wanted Fountains of > Wayne to do. Your problem. Not theirs. > > You said they said that they said that they hated being on the road and > couldn't wait to get home. Well, you know, if my day job involved dealing > with people who expected me to act like THEY wanted me to, and then went > home and bitched to 500 other people because I didn't respond like a > trained monkey...I think I'd be in a hurry to get home too. > > At 04:12 AM 9/11/2003 -0000, rickbilous wrote: > >Stewart, > >I never said it was their fault either, but yet you said that I did. > >Could we please avoid getting personal? Since you don't seem to have > >a sense of humour, I was being FACETIOUS. I know that Fountains of > >Wayne is definitely not about sex, drugs and rock and roll. Honestly > >though, I don't think you could convince me that being a rock star > >is such a tough gig. It is after all, the life that they chose. And, > >life is what you make of it. Bands like American Hi-fi are making > >the most of their situation - I know it must suck being trapped in a > >van for days on end with the same people, but that would make me > >(and them) want to let loose and party, not to be upset for being > >there. Could you please inform me what it is like being a rock star - > > "rock star Stew"?