nuff crabbin about the stage show. i have my wishes, but if wishes were horses, then...seabiscuit would be #1 in the box office? sorry. i get carried away. anyway, i just got done watching fow on leno (thanks so much for the tip...sorry, i've deleted that post). i've read the posts where people have said that the appearances on conan and letterman were fair to shittlin', with the mix and vocals being subpar. i thought to myself, can this really be true? well, tonight's performance was no different. while the camera work was excellent (making a FAR superior video than the *actual* stacy's mom pseudoporn), the performance left me sort of feeling bad for chris, in particular. know how if you're scared, your voice constricts and tends to crack and it's hard to sing and hit notes real well? well, chris looked positively terrified. you could even see sweat beading on his brow and his upper lip. this wasn't the sweat of a man possessed during a guitar solo. this was the sweat of a man nervous and scared. i really felt for him. and unfortunately, his performance suffered for it, i felt... both visually, but more importantly, vocally. it's ironic and too bad, as i think these guys are starting to really go somewhere... jocelyn __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! SiteBuilder - Free, easy-to-use web site design software