...Although I must point out > there are times when the musician is barely getting paid...certainly on the > indie- and mid- level and with Clear Channel forcing large unpaid promotional > concerts for their radio stations, sometimes for the bigs as well. Reminds me of the old National Lampoon routine with the bass player counting the money he was getting against "the notes I'm putting into space...and man, I'm working CHEAP..." IOW, if the quality of an artist's performance varies based upon what they're getting paid, let me cross them off my list right now. If you don't like the pay (or lack thereof), don't play the gig, period. If you play, play your A+ gig please...that's what you'll be judged upon. > ...because it's not as if the audience owes the musician anything. Actually, whether you drove three days and paid through the nose or walked next door and got in for free, you owe them enough respect to let them try to do their job along with an honest response (cheer, yawn, boo, leave). Otherwise stay home. b