wow, i had no idea Rooney's singer was from such a famous acting family. and here I just thought the no-brainer catchy songs were just some kids who got lucky with a record deal (I know, a bit naive.) anyhow, it's still catchy stuff and I love how it makes me think of ELO with an edge. oh well....what can we do? keep pushing bands who make great music who DON'T have famous film family ties, that's what we can do! the Fall schedule is looking PRETTY good on this here East Coast: just in September: IKE at Taste of Baltimore, Two Cow Garage-IOTA, Troubled Hubble-Galaxy Hut, Carroway-Last Mango in MD, Bastards Of Melody-Mojo Lounge, IKE-IOTA, Dewey Beach Music Fest=Carroway and a zillion bands, The Tyde & Nada Surf-Black Cat.....WOW!!!! then October brings Sparklefest, and IPO East Coast, which rolls into Novemeber.....and they say summer brings everyone out to tour?!!! better get a spare Groupie shirt since I think I might just wear mine out soon! lauree :) ===== Swivel Chairs CD due out soon Paisley Pop!!!! check out the new Carroway website, new EP out NOW! __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! SiteBuilder - Free, easy-to-use web site design software