> >Stop worrying about the formats and start changing the > >*MUSIC*. A couple of things about this topic really interest me and, like Stewart, I feel that my knowledge and hardware put me just close enough to the tech edge to comment. 1. If all new CDs cost $9.99, I would again go to record stores and start buying them based on the cover art and the band name (if that's all I had to go on). The last bands I did that with were The Fixx and Steeleye Span. Those were vinyl. 2. The "last mile" issues for broadband are significant. If you don't have a broadband alternative right now, you likely won't have one until someone installs the infrastructure for wireless broadband. 3. The issues involved with opening a broadband connection into your home are immense. Like Stewart, I don't think I want to enable the Internet's ability to serve me junk, viruses and whatever else. I used to curse my 56K when it came to downloading music. Now I view it as extra protection against the cesspool tidal wave that the Internet has become thanks to spammers and virus criminals. 4. See No. 1. I like the ability to listen to an artist online and maybe even download a song or two. But owning a CD and being able to burn what I want, to the format I want, on the media of my choice. Scott NP: Uncle Tupelo "Slate" --- [This E-mail scanned for viruses by Declude Virus]