MAN! If these guys ever make it over to these Estadas Unidos ...I'll explode! What a bill ...'cudas and 'tators! Mark !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The year is 1978, and in a London laden with post-punk pap one band alone shows the way to a better life. Yes, The Barracudas, whose lone hit Summer Fun soon graces numerous compilations on a, uh, summer theme. The Barracudas, garage punk prophets whose poaching of a genuine Flamin’ Groovie marks them as the voice of stylish Continental Sixties-fixated anoraks on a broad and sweeping scale. LOOK OUT LONDON, HERE WE COME! Well, the year is now 2003, apparently, and to celebrate their 25th anniversary The Barracudas have reformed to play a few exclusive shows, commencing on November 19th with one at London’s Troubador. SURF AND DESTROY! Wait, there’s more! Due to popular demand the band are also playing three shows in Spain, where even after a quarter-century the cult faithful gather in secret to recite – in frankly poor English – the lyrics to the ‘cudas unofficial anthem I Wish It Could Be 1965 Again. Not only will Valencia and Murcia thrill to all of the three chords necessary to render the ‘cudas canon, but Madrid itself will likewise thrill! And doubly so because the capital is catching The Barracudas on a double-bill the other half of which is equally cult-addled New Yorkers, The Dictators! THE OLD WAVES ARE THE BEST! Now comes the crowning glory! In two parts. Part one consisting on a brand new, limited-edition seven-inch single for Munster Records, comprising The Barracudas debut glam turn, Don’t Ever Say It Can’t Be So, and a classic ‘cudas B-side, Not That Kind. Part two, meanwhile, is none other than a collectors’ edition re-release on genuine plastic of The Barracudas first release, I Want My Woody Back, a track so naive and ridiculous as to reduce even a Chechen assassin to a trembling mass of sentimental yearning. DROP IN WITH THE BARRACUDAS! TELL YOUR FRIENDS! DO OTHER THINGS! ===== Sleep Well ~ Don't Burst __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! SiteBuilder - Free, easy-to-use web site design software