At Date: Thu, 04 Sep 2003 17:52:13 Ronald Sanchez wrote: >The thing is for bands to make their albums worth the money. Good songs >presented at "album" length. The 74 minute albums are just so hard to >listen >to, and more than a little responsible for the lack of interest. On the >other >hand historical releases and reissues should be as full as possible. >Interesting covers are also part of the deal. How many cds do you buy that >have >dull grafix or just loads of impossible to read lyrics? Remember those >early >CBS cds that just had blank insides? Totally agree!! And what gets my goat are album titles that are disassociated from the album graphics. You might have a band with an album called "Gibblet" or some such nonsense and the cover art features a picture of a donkey being paraded through the streets of Mexico. Huh? I can appreciate the abstract (Nickelback's "Silver Side Up" with the mercury dripping from a bandaged eye comes to mind), but when acts are just being obtuse or an image is stuck on the cover because the bass player's girlfriend drew it I have a hard time equating these with the SOUND of the band. If you've got nothing remotely interesting to use for album art put a picture of the band on the cover. It's worked since the 1960' still works today. Personally, I'm a fan of the covers used on most Jam Records, Not Lame, and BongoBeat releases. Jaimie Vernon, President, Bullseye Records of Canada, Inc. "Not Suing Our Customers Since 1985!" _________________________________________________________________ Help STOP SPAM with the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE*