I think the CD probably is going to die, but what bothers me the most about this is that it means the death of the *album*. If we go to an all-downloading model, it means that people will just be picking and choosing individual songs they want to hear. It will no longer be possible for an artist to release a unified album of material -- I mean, you could release a whole batch of songs all at the same time, but there's no way to ensure that people will hear them all together, or in the order you want. And there is no way to do transitions or links between songs. No more Abbey Roads or Dark Side Of The Moons. Of course, it's possible that I'm deluding myself and the album is already dead. Even people who buy CDs today are likely to play them in shuffle mode, or burn their own mix CDs. I guess we'll be going back to the way it used to be before the 1960s, when the song was the basic unit of currency. But I'm gonna miss the album. Robert R. Berry