on 9/4/03 3:01 AM, audities-owner@smoe.org at audities-owner@smoe.org wrote: > I've got many favorites, but I was just minutes ago listening to Steely > Dan's "My Old School," and I'm always struck by how flippin' odd the solos > in that song are. (I believe it's Denny Dias playing them.) They have this > very high, tight, strangulated sound, and they're very choppy, nearly to > the point of atonality in spots. Certainly one of the odder guitar sounds > I've heard in a song that was at least theoretically designed to garner > mainstream airplay. Just so you can recognize the difference between Dias & Jeff Baxter on the first two Dan albums...Dias doesn't play with note bends. (Not because he can't, but rather because he chooses not to for his style.) Chances are if the playing was really outside, it was Skunk. Brioohs