AT Date: Wed, 3 Sep 2003 21:16:58 Bryan wrote: >NEW YORK (CBS.MW) -- DVDs and compact discs could soon be >obsolete, according to a report issued Tuesday by Forrester Research. >"CDs and DVDs will go the way of the L.P.," Forrester predicts. > >File sharing is responsible for almost $700 million of the $2 billion >reduction in >CD sales since 1999, Forrester says, noting that movie companies face a >similar >sales threat. [SNIP] The sky is falling. The sky is falling. Let's see if I get this straight: Folks are presumably dowloading, illegally, music and movies from the Internet and this is, apparently, the WHOLE reason sales are off in both mediums. So, in the "can't beat 'em, join 'em" mentality of the multi-faced major label entertainment community, they've decided to join the trend and offer, overnight, downloads of music and DVD's rather than tradition hard format copies of this product. Have these morons ever tried to watch an entire movie with their family on a computer screen? Have these people ever tried using a headset to listen to their favourite album on a Pentium IV that's got WINDOWS XP installed (with CD players that have external headphone outputs, but no internal connectivity?). You can't do either. Have these people stopped to pie-chart the sale of hard formatted music in Europe and the Pacific Rim? Sales are UP. Remember when they said the cassette was going to be phased out? That was in 1989 right after vinyl was executed. Guess what? Country labels are STILL releasing albums on cassette (just look at the sales of Shania Twain's latest -- 1/3 of sales were on cassette). Some are still selling 8 TRACKS [just look at some of the late-night Silver Eagle type infomercials]. The economy sucks. Sales are down. Music releases suck even harder. Sales are down. Major label employees suck other major label employees. Sales are down. Stop worrying about the formats and start changing the *MUSIC*. Morons. Jaimie Vernon, President, Bullseye Records of Canada, Inc. "Not Suing Our Customers Since 1985!" _________________________________________________________________ The new MSN 8: advanced junk mail protection and 2 months FREE*