>From: Bill >Well let's see we are putting Sgt. Pepper alone against Dylan's first, >Freewheelin, The Times They Are A Changin, Another Side Of, Bring It All >Back Home, Highway 61 Revisited and Blonde on Blonde. I agree that isn't a >contest; Dylan wins hands down. OK I am one of those who rates Sgt. Pepper >at the bottom of the Beatles Albums but please compare the songs on those >Dylan Albums with the ones on Pepper (overall except for a few great ones, >not the best songs the Beatles ever wrote) and I think you'd have to agree >that this one is really no contest with Dylan way out in front and only a >few of the Sgt. Pepper songs reaching the heights of the best Dylan songs >on those LPs. You're comparing apples and oranges (Beatles being Apples of course). You can't compare 2 types of music. How can you compare folk to rock (or power pop)? Can you compare Dylan to Mozart, for example? And if you can't STAND folksy vocals, you won't care at all for Dylan. I enjoy it when other bands cover Dylan's best songs (the Wanderers with Stiv Bators doing a rocking version of The Times They Are A Changin), but I can't listening to Dylan doing any of his songs. Sorry. - Mark