Great story Bobby Steve > Your points are well thought out and pretty much on the money. During the > brief time time they were around they were a virtual non entity in any sort > of national way. Alex told me that Radio City sold 5000 copies when it was > released. As for groundbreaking songs like Good Vibrations etc... I think > Big Star had a few on the 3rd album. Holocaust comes to mind... > > For what it's worth, I don't even consider Big Star to be truly a power pop > act - whatever the hell that even means. I just think of them as a band that > released a few almost perfect records that somehow managed to merge Memphis > and the Beatles in a very sublime way. In 1974 I was 17 and perfecting my > southern rock guitar chops. I could play almost everything by the Allman > Bros. and Z Z Top fairly correctly. The Beatles were still my first love but > to be a successful musician in the south in those days you had be adept at > the southern boogie that ruled the area. I heard a tape of September Gurls > at a friend's party that year and my brain pretty much melted down. It was > possible to be from the south and not have to write bad copies of Freebird. > My path was set that evening and I never looked back. Over the years I've > heard many, many bands described as sounding like Big Star but I've only > heard a very few come close to their true essence. A bit of Game Theory, > Chris Stamey era dBs and some Let's Active tracks. The thing that set Big > Star apart from everyone else is that Chilton (along with Bell) was a > brilliant lyricist. You can borrow the chords and melodic content, but if > you don't have anything to say there's just no point. I gave up a long, long > time ago trying to follow in their footsteps. It's an almost hopeless task. > I did record one homage on a latter Windbreakers disc - it's called "On The > Wire", and it comes close, but not close enough. > > By the way - I sang Way Out West with Alex and his trio live once while he > taught the song to the band. That's got to be my strangest live experience. > > Bobby Sutliff > > ----- >