Date: Wed, 27 Aug 2003 19:34:19 +0100 From: "Andrew Hickey" > Yes the Flame tracks are an acquired taste, though I like them, but Marcella? Marcella may very well be my all-time-favorite-BB-track-o-all-time, especially the version from BB In Concert from the 72/73 tour. Carl is in just incredible vocal form and punch of the rhythm guitar on that version just creams the studio version IMO... >> Jeff Glenn once explained the process to me, something >> about several of the instruments being recorded "direct" rather than >> through amps. I just wish more bands would use this technique when >> recording! Tony Visconti's not-so-secret secret to that ol' T. Rex sound. One studio trick I too wish was standard issue. Bob Mootz Olympia, WA NP: Metrojets V. 1; Sideswipe Greatest Hits; Frank Barajas White Room Sessions