"Tales Of Mystery & Imagination" - ALAN PARSONS PROJECT [Yeah, the one that made the Blender "Worst Artists Of All Time" list. Parsons was brilliant at the beginning...and it shows here.] "Back To The Egg" - WINGS [That's right....the album that all McCartney/Beatles fans loathe.....a description that should be saved for the royal suckage that was "McCartney II". 'Egg' is the swan song of a band that was struggling to re-invent itself post-disco/post-punk/pre-New Wave....and then McCartney pulled the plug.] "The Real Thing" - FAITH NO MORE [Gutteral. Offensive. Heavy. Non-pop. Brilliant.] "The Biggest Prize In Sport" - 999 [A pop-album beyond peer....mislabelled punk, these guys were at the 'top of their game'....har har] "Setting Sons" - THE JAM [Couldn't really get into these guys until Weller abandoned the Mods baggage...some truly instrospective lyrical and mellodic highlights: "Butterfly Collector" and "Smithers-Jones" are standouts] "Go 2" - XTC [Gutteral. Screwball. Quirky. Brilliant.] "Revenge" - KISS [All comebacks should be this convincing....points for Simmon's sequel to the lacivious dirty-old-man ditty "Christine Sixteen" called 'Domino' & the first single "Unholy" just for managing to get the word "incubus" onto commercial radio.] "White Flag" - JOE MANNIX [Joe turned me from a believer in his live repertoire to a CD convert with the studio versions of these ephemeral, acoustic driven anti-folk songs. Available on www.bongobeat.com] Jaimie Vernon, President, Bullseye Records of Canada, Inc. http://www.bullseyecanada.com "Not Suing Our Customers Since 1985!" Jaimie Vernon, President, Bullseye Records of Canada, Inc. http://www.bullseyecanada.com "Not Suing Our Customers Since 1985!" _________________________________________________________________ Protect your PC - get McAfee.com VirusScan Online http://clinic.mcafee.com/clinic/ibuy/campaign.asp?cid=3963