Great thread. Some of my favorite buried treasures: 1) The Toms - s/t 2) Pezband - Laughing in the Dark 3) Ptomaine Ptony - Ptrees and Ptires 4) Lotion - Full Issac 5) Claymore - Unblended 6) Mahogany Rush - Child of the Novelty 7) R. Stevie Moore - Stevie Moore Invites Comparison 8) Michael Jackson - Got to be There 9) Glowfriends - So Glady To Be Here 10) Raymond Scott - Manhattan Research, Inc. I'm new to the list -- former A&R rep, industry guy (had some good success) now early retired and relaxing. Keep those lists coming. LG NP: Tad - God's Balls --------------------------------- Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! SiteBuilder - Free, easy-to-use web site design software