At 03:56 PM 8/20/2003 EDT, wrote: >I haven't had the pleasure of spending much time on Jeffrey Glenn's couch >lately >(Hi, Jeff!) >so this is as good a virtual opportunity instead as any >to once again bemoan the fact that J. McGuinn and his Byrds >should share at least HALF the credit for, quote, >inventing folk- and/or jangle-rock >with the almighty, all-harmonising, electric-12-string-since-'62 (!!) >Searchers. A bit of sad news: the Searchers' Tony Jackson died earlier this week. >I know Tom Petty has studied those first four Searchers albums religiously; >Peter Buck should only be so candid ;-) I kinda doubt Peter Buck has heard a single Searchers song after "Needles and Pins" and MAYBE "Sugar and Spice." I also doubt he's particularly into the Byrds. Early R.E.M.'s antecendents suddenly fell into place for me a few years ago when Buck mentioned that his favorite album in the earliest days of the band was the Soft Boys' UNDERWATER MOONLIGHT: I put RECKONING on directly after that album and immediately thought, "Oh. Of course." It's not an influence anyone would automatically pick up on -- especially if like 98% of all their American fans, you discovered the Soft Boys *after* R.E.M. -- but once you listen for it, it's obvious. S