was flipping around the channels last night and caught a documentary on Warren Zevon on VH1. The show is called (Inside)Out and repeats on Tuesday at midnight EST. He's had a camera crew following him around since last fall. Lots of studio time as he completes his last album with visits from Don Henley, Bruce Springsteen, etc. who pop in to record with him - clips from his Letterman appearance, etc. He's leaving this earth way too soon but on his terms. Here's the link: http://www.vh1.com/shows/dyn/inside_out/68383/episode.jhtml also trekked out to the movies to see Camp. Having been enamored with Don Dixon since the Arrogance days, I had to catch him on the big screen. He gets screen time aplenty I'm glad to report. He's a boozed-up washed-up Sondheim type who hasn't had a hit on Broadway in years who's hired to direct the kids in various summer productions. The teenagers run the gamut from the OCD pretty-boy to teenage drag queen to chubby girl who's parents agreed to send her to camp again but wired her jaws together first so she couldn't eat! Teenagers with typical teenage problems. They rounded up a bunch of talented kids to belt out these Broadway tunes. Steven Sondheim makes an appearance & has many mentions in the credits. Danny DeVito is an executive producer. Praying Mantis is heard in one scene and the rest is Dixon well, seemingly "acting" like Dixon, southern drawl and all. I liked it so much I'm gonna go right down the street and catch the 9:10 showing in a bit. More info: http://www.ifcfilms.com/camp/index.html _________________________________________________________________ Help protect your PC: Get a free online virus scan at McAfee.com. http://clinic.mcafee.com/clinic/ibuy/campaign.asp?cid=3963