FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: WESLEY WILLIS 1963-2003 A letter from one of his biggest fans, Jello Biafra: We lost Wesley Willis some time before 9PM Chicago time August 21, 2003. Word is he died peacefully. The likely cause may be heart failure. Wes had been battling leukemia for less than a year. No services are planned as of yet. There will probably be a memorial concert, or at least a gathering in his honor in Chicago in the near future. We will let you know. Wesley will go down as one of the most unique songwriters and entertainment personalities in history. His music, lyrics, drawings, insight and the way he put them together are like no one else. Ever. There will never be another. As I got to know Wes, what really struck me was his sheer will power, his unrelenting drive to succeed and over come his horrifically poor background, child abuse, racism, chronic schizophrenia and obesity among other things. He was the most courageous person I have ever known. Yet through it all he had such a deep, all-encompassing love of life. Little things, big things. He loved bus rides. He loved watching trains. He loved writing songs about how much he loved his friends. He loved travelling to new towns so he could headbutt new friends. Is there any band he saw that escaped being in their own song about how much he loved their show? He was so warm, so sweet, so giving. He could be a handful when he came to visit; but as soon as he left, wed miss him immediately. As his long time friend Dennis Cooper said, "No More Demons." The voices in Wesleys head cant yell at him and put him down any more. Wes was deeply religious. He was afraid that if he died he would no longer get to go see bands play. If there is a hereafter I hope hes right up front as Jimi Hendrix, Stevie Ray Vaughn, his beloved Otis Redding and his dear friend Bradley from Sublime "storm the stage" as the crowd "roars like a sea monster." All opening for Wesley, of course. It will be hard now that hes gone, but Im not going to let myself stop enjoying the funny stuff, or the look on peoples faces when they first hear "Rock n Roll McDonalds," or the memories of the good times and Wesleys many adventures. He wouldnt want it any other way. There are many down times when all I have to do is think of one of Wess songs, something he said or simply marvel at his Wesley-isms, and the clouds part and a smile comes to my face. I think he does that for a lot of people. He always will. Rock over London Rock on Chicago Sail on, Wes. I love you. Jello Biafra 8-22-03 From rollingstone: Wesley Willis Dies Street musician was a favorite of indie rockers Wesley Willis, the energetic 6'5", 300-pound Chicago street musician who parlayed whimsical, spartan keyboard odes to his favorite products and indie rock musicians into a cult following, died on Thursday night at a hospice in Illinois; he was forty. The garrulous rocker released more than fifty albums containing 1,000 songs over the past decade, almost all of them set to the same hop-along pre-set Casio beat and overlaid with his yelping, raspy vocals. According to a press release from Alternative Tentacles, Willis was diagnosed with Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia in late 2002 and underwent emergency surgery on June 2nd to identify the source of internal bleeding; the exact cause of his death has not yet been determined. Willis, who suffered from schizophrenia and was homeless for a time, was discovered singing on the streets of Chicago in the early Nineties. He could often be found outside venues and clubs standing behind his keyboard and hawking ballpoint pen drawings of the city's streets, skyline and buses. Instantly recognizable due to his size and a head of short, unkempt dreadlocks, Willis was known for greeting fans with a hearty headbutt, which left him with a permanent knot in the middle of his forehead. Rarely seen without his beloved Walkman hanging from a bag stuffed with CDs around his neck, Willis independently recorded and released dozens of tapes, many of which he sold while braving the cold outside the defunct Lounge Ax rock club. His self-released 1995 album, Drag Disharmony Hell Ride, was packed with homages to local scenesters and his favorite bands ("Veruca Salt," "Stabbing Westward"), with Willis singing their praises in between yelps of commercial taglines ("Budweiser, the king of beers!"), his signature phrase, "Rock over London, rock on Chicago!" and lots of lyrics about whupping ass. The ultimate outsider artist, Willis was embraced by such stars of the city's rock community as the Smashing Pumpkins, with the buzz landing him a 1996 contract with Rick Rubin's American Recordings label. Willis released his major label debut that year, Fabian Roadwarrior, hewing closely to his minimalist style of praising other bands ("Porno for Pyros," "Silverchair"), while injecting some light political commentary ("Rock Saddam Hussein's Ass") and paying tribute to the smooth-talking A&R guy who signed him to the label, ("Dino Paredes"). A second American album, Feel the Power, was released in late 1996 and produced by the renowned Dust Brothers (Beastie Boys), though it bore little of their influence and was packed with more tributes to his heroes ("Alice in Chains," "Ice Cube"), as well as a few songs that dealt with his code word for his schizophrenic episodes, which he called "hell rides." The attention resulted in a profile on MTV that year, though Willis was soon dropped due to poor sales. He was back in Chicago later that year working with his short lived band, the Wesley Willis Fiasco, and was again releasing his albums on indie labels. "Wesley will go down as one of the most unique songwriters and entertainment personalities in history," former Dead Kennedy's frontman Jello Biafra said in a statement. "His music, lyrics, drawings, insight and the way he put them together are like no one else. There will never be another. As I got to know Wes, what really struck me was his sheer will power, his unrelenting drive to succeed and overcome his horrifically poor background, child abuse, racism, chronic schizophrenia and obesity among other things. He was the most courageous person I have ever known." A compilation album, Greatest Hits, Volume 3, is slated for release on Alternative Tentacles in October. GIL KAUFMAN (August 22, 2003)